Rating Referral Marketing Businesses

Rating Referral Marketing Businesses

Rating Referral Marketing Businesses

“There is no recognizable path ahead of us, but only behind us,” writes Gabi Steiner in her book “From Person to Person – Earning a Stable Income From Referral Marketing“. Any rating of the future prospects of a business model can only be based on the information that humanity has gathered to date. “Successful people,” Gabi Steiner points out, “act on the basis of verified information. Unsuccessful people act on the basis of unchecked prejudices.”

Is referral marketing a way to make money?

“It makes me sad when I hear that someone reduces this opportunity to earning money,” writes Gabi Steiner. Rather, she is concerned with ideal values, such as a high degree of freedom and independence, and a way to “make and maintain friendships, get to know other people, customs and, above all, the luxury of ‘time’ for health, family, friends and to have hobbies. “

By referral marketing, she understands “a simple concept to bring products directly from the manufacturer to the consumer, and money that is typically spent on conventional distribution and advertising sales methods is instead paid to those who bring others to the product for their own use.”

With entertaining examples, Gabi Steiner makes it clear that referral marketing is not about sales. Selling is much more the consequence of buying – when it comes to products that are suitable for everyone, this is okay for everybody.

The new information and communication technologies also make a consumer network possible online – with new dimensions for network marketing. For referral marketing, “what’s important, what we really need, what’s in the trend, is an industry with growth potential, with a future.” This is how Gabi Steiner outlines wellness, fitness, health and anti-aging or even “best aging”.

“Network marketing works best,” says Gabi Steiner, quoting Richard Poe, “if you just keep working face-to-face and heart-to-heart with people on a daily basis. The only glue that keeps a network together for a long time consists of friendship, loyalty and personal relationships. ” The perspectives of  computerized distribution channels are therefore limited.

The German pension system of the statutory pension insurance has now more in common with an illegal pyramid scheme than any serious offer in referral marketing. “A pyramid scheme in the unfair sense is given,” says Michael Strachowitz, a well-known network coach, “if the income of the already in the system members from the entrance fees of newly added members is denied, with the result that the system collapses immediately when no new members join. ” A serious system rules out this case.

Gabi Steiner shares in her book with the reader her love for referral marketing, “because it gives every person, regardless of age, gender, occupation, origin, the chance to be successful.” Machines replace muscles, computer brain, exclusively in humans remain emotions. In order to identify successful entrepreneurs – as Gabi Steiner explains using a circuit diagram – the question of the reason for their actions must be asked: “Anyone who has no reason to do something has a reason to do nothing!”

Emotions are transported with stories. Therefore, In Gabi Steiner’s concept stories play a big role, especially autobiographies. The book gives an insight into the “target collage”, as she calls it, of a successful entrepreneur. By giving a dream a date, it becomes a goal. Thinking and acting are components of success, so that there is no failure, but only success that did not occur early enough.

Gabi Steiner writes her book at a time when many people have forgotten to ask about the needs of their fellow human beings. People are already accustomed too much to adopt algorithms on the Internet, to recognize needs and to coat the visitors of websites with advertising. Her motto, on the other hand, is: “Find out what your counterpart wants and help him achieve that.”

Principles and values ​​play a major role. Gabi Steiner: “Paths arise when walking!” Anyone who understands Gaby Steiner’s book has not only learned a wealth of concepts and ideas and gained business insights, but has also acquired criteria for assessing a successful startup, because at its core, it is always about relationships between people. Successful entrepreneurs are people who, as multipliers, move many people – movement in the literal as well as figurative sense. “It’s not enough for something that it merely works, it’s important that it duplicates!”

Gabi Steiner brings to paper an astonishing amount of know-how in referral marketing. The reader may expect color and an entertaining reading that does not tire of scientific footnote apparatuses, but honors the ideas of profiled experts through fair quoting. With original terms such as “vaccination and snails technology”, Gabi Steiner makes it easy for readers to remember the many tools presented in the book. The book is recommended as an introduction and guide to referral marketing.

Practical example:

Create a website or blog at WordPress.com