The Key to E-Mobility Lies at the DEFAMA Locations

The Key to E-Mobility Lies at the DEFAMA Locations

The Key to E-Mobility Lies at the DEFAMA Locations

In DEFAMA’s way, customers can quickly and conveniently charge their vehicle while shopping.

Together with DEFAMA Deutsche Fachmarkt AG, the energy company EnBW is further expanding the fast charging infrastructure in Germany. The partners aim at letting this happen where customers need it most in everyday life: at retail locations and specialist market centers.

EnBW is equipping three pilot locations of the real estate company DEFAMA with up to eight high-power charging points (HPC) each. With an output of up to 300 kilowatts (kW), these enable charging for a range of 100 kilometers in just five minutes, depending on the vehicle’s equipment. In the medium term, EnBW wants to equip around 30 highly frequented DEFAMA locations with charging stations.

DEFAMA’s portfolio primarily includes locations in small and medium-sized cities in northern and eastern Germany. Even in rural areas, where there are often fewer charging options than in urban areas, fast charging points suitable for everyday use are required when shopping. The expansion of the charging infrastructure at DEFAMA’s properties thus consolidates the nationwide fast charging network in the area.

“Especially in smaller towns, charging infrastructure is a locational advantage for retailers. The possibility of being able to charge the electric car while shopping increases the attractiveness of our retail parks. Our tenants benefit from this,” says Matthias Schrade, DEFAMA board member. “With EnBW, we have an experienced partner at our side,” Schrade continues.

With the partnership, the north and east of Germany in particular benefit from a denser range of fast charging options in the EnBW HyperNetz. “For the mobility turnaround to succeed, e-mobility must also assert itself where the car is the number one means of transport: in the smaller towns and communities, beyond the urban conurbations,” explains Timo Sillober, Chief Sales and Operations Officer at EnBW.

“Here, too, charging has to fit seamlessly into everyday life and very few people can charge at home. We are creating the appropriate public fast-charging infrastructure for this. It is our goal to enable electric car drivers to charge where they are and where the need actually arises. This is often the case in retail, because the loading times of the cars are optimally matched to the shopping time. The partnership with DEFAMA helps us to start right here.”

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